But the other girl wanted to one up everyone, and decided she was really a demon instead. I heard from the same reliable sources that theres this one high school where a couple of girls identify as horses. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our web site. I never thought I would have to type the following words: schools are not putting litter boxes in their bathrooms. I'm a real-life furry and my lifestyle is no dirty 'cat litter box' joke. Canva/KM. I want to weigh in here, because I am a Furry. But just like with book bans, furry fearmongering is translating into state law: The Cedar Rapids Gazette reported this week that the Iowa Senate has passed new laws enshrining further parental . The litter box rumors spread the notion that if schools will let transgender girls compete on sports teams and use the girls restroom, next theyll be forced to accommodate every other so-called identity, even if it means pet bowls on the cafeteria floors and taking kids out for recess on leashes. The rumor is that our schools have litter boxes in the restrooms to accommodate individuals who are self-identifying as animals. The real goal with comparing furries to trans people and bringing up stuff like this is, one, to make fun of furries and say, Oh, arent they so silly. Are you hearing similar nonsense? Kersten asked. Doubling down on his denial, Sharrow urged any parents to send him a message in the future if they ever have questions about any "wild accusations that don't sound like something" the district would do. I know what my folks would have done if I had notions like that. Parents have claimed that at least one litter box was installed in a unisex bathroom for children who identify themselves as 'furries' Credit: Getty. Well, litter boxes, apparently. Kim Reynolds and some GOP lawmakers are trying again to funnel a significant share of education dollars to private and religious schools. For heavens sake, dont allow this to go on! No board members responded to the claim on the day of the meeting, but Sharrow's statement on Thursday dismissed the claim entirely. Iowa State Education Association Director Mary Jane Cobb said the litter box rumors are a right-wing attempt to mock LGBTQ+ restroom equality. Comments above just about cover it. Nearly 13 years after the 2009 Supreme Court marriage ruling, I have yet to see any weddings between a groom and a cockapoo. A strange rumor has been circulating on social media for the past month or so that has to do with schools and litter boxes. , the term furry is defined as a "diverse community of fans, writers, gamers and role players," who come up with an anthropomorphized animal character that they identify with and can function as an avatar within the community. No. 13, 2022 7:00 am, Updated: May. "Kids who identify as 'furries' get a litter box in the school bathroom," Ms. Maddock wrote in a Facebook post sharing the video of the board meeting. Meanwhile on TikTok, one video claiming "kids are now requesting litter boxes at school" collected 3 million views on the platform. I went to r/furry to ask for advice and their opinion on how to handle this situation but got permanently banned. I am currently in school to be a teacher and asked my professors their opinions on the topic and many of . "I will do some more investigation," she added. While there are no chickens in this tiny house, you can still have some fun in this cozy space in Fayette. Answering the Left: But do you know any gay people? I received an email last Saturday morning from a guy I know in Fort Dodge dating back to my time at the Fort Dodge Messenger. "Let me be clear in this communication. Actually, I was listening to Simon Conway talk about this today, and it apparently IS going on in IOWA schools. Have yall heard about this? 0:00. We rely on the financial support of our readers to exist. Naturally, Wingert wanted to know which school district the senator was referring to. No, furries don't get litter boxes in school bathrooms | Is This Legit? Youre missing the point. First, contact the humane society for not having a valid animal license and not wearing a tag. Why is damn near everything the GOP pushes anchored in manufactured fear? Nati Harnik AP. Parents of children in one Iowa school have even claimed that a girl requested a litter box in the girl's restroom. 0:45. It looks like it isnt just happening in Iowa, thankfullyI guess? Tim Kraayenbrink, a Republican Iowa state senator, said at a forum in May that local schools had been required to put cat litter boxes in the bathroom for furries to use, as he discussed schools . In the message, Berlau writes, She goes on to say that it is a NATIONAL problem going on in schools. By clicking Accept all you agree that Yahoo and our partners will process your personal information, and use technologies such as cookies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product development. Copyright 2022 KCCI via CNN Newsource. And the school was allowing kitty litter to be placed in the classroom or bathroom or both. When a community member made a claim about litter boxes being in Brainerd at a March . "Yesterday I heard something, and I was stunned. Instead of seeking more understanding about their lives and approaching these issues with empathy and an open mind, the leaders of their state are spitting venom, stoking divisions and embracing nonsense. A LOT of kids in our local middle school are furries. Taylor, doesnt your school have acting, dance, music, and art classes where you can express yourselves? A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. Others were enjoying poking fun at the gullibility of those who were outraged in their misguided belief that children were using litter boxes instead of toilets in school. Ernie Kersten had been at the Eggs and Issues legislative forum in Fort Dodge, where state Sen. Tim Kraayenbrink, R-Fort Dodge, went on a curious riff about why Iowa needs to offer publicly funded scholarships to help families send kids to private school. What a waste of tax dollars! If these student animals are so messed in the head, lets treat them like a cat or dog! Free and independent journalism is what keeps our public servants accountable and responsive to the people. You have entered an incorrect email address! Its been circulating since last year and wont die. Counter-protestors stand and hold signs at the intersection of 10th Street and 29th Avenue during a protest against the Linn-Mar school boards passage of policies to protect transgender students from discrimination near Linn-Mar High School in Marion, Iowa on Friday, May 6, 2022. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent sent out an email to parents to knock down a false rumor that there were litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate students who identify as cats. Carroll CSD Superintendent Casey Berlau sent an email to the entire district on February 7th. In Iowa, an unsourced, anonymous report claimed that school boards were considering placing litter boxes in the bathrooms, while a Canadian public school director took to the media to connect similar rumors in his [], [] Similar reports have popped up elsewhere. A Facebook post says schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. Midland Public Schools Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow took to Facebook on Thursday to deny the claims, insisting no litter box accommodations had been made for any students who identify as a "furry.". If a student who identifies as a coyote tries to kill and eat a student who identifies as a cat, is the teacher allowed to interfere? (Nick Rohlman/The Gazette), Columnist/editorial writer for The Gazette. The superintendent tells WLKY the situation is being addressed, but according to a concerned grandparent, it's an ongoing problem that has many students on edge . As for the rest of us, expect headaches, confusion and exhaustion. Please consider a one-time sign of support or becoming a monthly supporter at $5, $10/month - whatever you think we're worth! Litter boxes will not be put in schools on P.E.I. ACROSS AMERICA The conspiracy theory that some school districts are providing litter boxes for students who identify as animals, or "furries," is making the rounds again as the 2022-23 . Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. You know, this is being conflated specifically to invalidate trans identities which are real and which have been studied extensively, they said. This woman claims that a group of kids who identify as "furries" and specifically identified as cats was given litter boxes in the unisex bathroom at this school. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. The meeting called together opponents of the transgender policy to discuss their misguided opposition in a comfortable setting, without pesky media or parents, such as myself, who support the districts move. This story has been shared 125,674 times. . Editor Kathie Obradovich has been covering Iowa government and politics for more than 30 years, most recently as political columnist and opinion editor for the Des Moines Register. We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. He didnt inform his colleagues or the district about the meeting. Furries are people who identify with or . Eastern Iowa Woman Cashes in $250,000 Lottery Prize, Former Hawkeye Standout Keegan Murray Has A Shot At NBA Record, Extremely Common Animal Found In Iowa Is Illegal To Own As A Pet. There never will be," said EVSC Superintendent David Smith, after Monday's board meeting. A couple of weeks ago we received an email. "It is a source of disappointment that I felt the necessity to communicate this message to you., During the Dec. 20 meeting, a parent of a student in the district said she had been left "disturbed" after hearing a litter box had been installed in at least one unisex restroom in one of the district's schools for those who "identified as cats.". Feb 14, 2022 Updated Mar 22, 2022. You guys are truly ignorant. European cat, Felis catus, brown tabby kitten in litter tray. May. 13, 2022 7:00 am, Updated: May. The flurries of furries has reached North Dakota, with some school districts in Fargo, Moorhead and West Fargo issuing statements to debunk the kitty litter rumors, as detailed in a Forum. My son largely ignores them but has found out, when forced into "social" situations with them that their parents are in full support, including the kids being nude at home because cats don't wear clothes (litter boxes at home are rumored but not confirmed). to accommodate students who identify as cats, the Public Schools Branch says. What in the world is happening? A furry is someone that likes dressing up in a costume (generally called a fursuit) to look like an animal. A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. Midland Public Schools Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow also had to address those rumors, saying they were false. Iowa Capital Dispatch maintains editorial independence. Another gawker wondered how the litter box system would even work, writing: Logistically no public school has the budget to afford kitty litter for a small percentage of their community to use also ask yourself the last janitor youve met would they scoop human feces out of a litter box?. Whats next? Consider the message it sends transgender kids. I will make contact with the local Humane Society so we can get a vehicle out there to get these unlicensed, unvaccined animals into the local pound. Some say litter boxes are located in "transgender bathrooms" in schools. Well, for starters, none of this is true!! Rebecca Kleeman, a spokeswoman for Millard Public Schools, said she is unaware of any incidents involving furries or requests for litter boxes. Dr. Michael Brown ( www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. " We have too much time to worry about things And so, that's causing all this anxiety and decrease in mental health," he added. If they are not claimed within 72 hours, they need to be euthanized. Kraayenbrink said a school district in his Senate district put litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate furries. He also pointed to an unidentified school district where he said girls are wearing one-piece bathing suits to shower because boys are infiltrating their showers. You have entered an incorrect email address! Information about your device and internet connection, like your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Yahoo websites and apps. by Kathie Obradovich, Iowa Capital Dispatch February 14, 2022. Lawmakers are debating all kinds of extreme legislation, like Sen. Jake Chapmans school porn bill that threatens teachers with prison. Its like the slippery-slope arguments that we heard back when Iowa legalized same-sex marriage: If we allow this, next well have to condone marriages involving pedophilia. Fursonas can exist as costumes, online avatars, or even full lifestyles. We've received your submission. May 31DICKINSON In schools across the United States, a growing trend of students identifying themselves with the "fursona" of cats, dogs, ponies and more. Why would this be allowed in the school systems anywhere? Jul 18, 2022. Published: Feb. 11, 2022 at 1:39 PM PST. Yeah, unfortunately. 13, 2022 4:31 pm. In Michigan, a school superintendent alsosent an email to parents to say the claim was false, after a parent stated it publicly at a school board meeting that garnered more than 80,000 views on YouTube. These kids are already an astronomical risk for adverse mental health outcomes and suicidal ideation, Crow said. You will begin to receive our Daily Opinion updates and our topical Pints & Politics newsletter. Imagine being such a tone deaf journalist that you miss the whole point that this is about transphobia and mocking trans people. Other, similar claims also have circulated in Wisconsin where a school districtdeniedthat it allows students who identify as furries to lick their paws in gym class and bark in hallways and in Texas, where a candidate for state officefalsely claimedthat cafeteria tables are being lowered to allow furries to eat without using utensils. All being a Furry means is that you enjoy anthropomorphic characters. Supposedly, a female student was identifying as a cat. De-clawing and neutering, ha! Its a cat-spiracy. The litter box canard also serves another political purpose: Trying to scare parents. We rely on the financial support of our readers to exist. All these harmful, spiteful tactics targeting Iowans and their rights for a political payday carry an unmistakable stench. Lisa Hansen speaks to the Midland Public Schools Board of Education at its Dec. 20, 2021, meeting. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent . Period. The district denied the allegation, but then just a couple of days later we were told about students identifying as cats in another district. Des Moines Register, "Carroll Community School District superintendent: No litter boxes in schools," Feb. 10, 2022 Facebook post , April 4, 2022 Fort Worth Star-Telegram, " Furries eating out of . ", The post was later edited to add, "I have no litter box proof. This story has been shared 102,999 times. That's when a local news story about a Pittsburgh furry convention led to unfounded . And so, we've been working on that to make sure that our kids are good citizens and that they can identify author's bias or credible sources. Parent heroes will TAKE BACK our schools," Maddock wrote. it is, i go to high school with plenty of these people and want to drop out because the things i have to see. 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